All LAFS members may scan for FREE using their account. Please view below to learn more about how to use the Library’s scanner.
Check out the Scanning Guide for learning how to print at The LAFS Library.
NOTE: PNG (Portable Network Graphics) image files can be compressed without losing data. TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) image files maintain all data with maximum color and depth; these files are very large in volume. PDF (Portable Document Format) files offer a nearly universal open standard, two-dimensional document exchange format that works best with text-only material. JPEG (an acronym for creators Joint Photographic Experts Group) is the most common format for storing and transmitting photographic images, losing data in the compression process.
NOTE: Your scanned materials will not be saved by the machines; as soon as you remove your copy card all information is deleted and nothing is saved by the MFD.
*USB drives will be recognized by the MFD as long as they do not contain software files and are formatted to FAT32. SFPL is not responsible for lost or damaged files.