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Library Services


Circulation Services provides friendly and courteous service to The Los Angeles Film School community in lending library materials to Active Students, Faculty and Staff. Additionally, Library Staff members at the circulation desk are responsible for answering directional questions from patrons, checking in and out materials, maintaining the front desk and facility, and overall helping with patron needs.

Library Catalog

All LAFS members have access to the Library Koha Catalog. The catalog is used to find materials based on author, title, subject, or format. If you cannot find an item that you are looking for in the catalog, you can make a Purchase Suggestion within Koha once you are logged in. You may also Ask A Librarian if you need additional help.

Click below to locate items within the library’s collection. 


Borrowing Library Items

Materials may be checked out with a current LAFS issued ID. Students with an “Active” status account are able to check out Library materials. Students who have a status of “Alumni,” “Leave of Absence,” “Withdrawn,” and “Canceled” or are enrolled as an Online student may not check out items. However, Alumni, Online students, and Visitors are welcome to view and utilize some of the Library computers and/or services. Staff and Faculty may also borrow Library materials, but they have separate circulation rules and guidelines.

Holding/Reserving Library Items

Holding library materials can be done by phone, email, or online through the Library’s digital catalog. Items will be placed on hold for the patron for up to 48 hours. When an item is placed on hold, the patron will receive an email or phone call informing them that their item is ready for pickup. If the item is on hold for more than 48 hours, the item will be put back on the shelves for circulation.

Renewing Library Items

Renewals of library materials are allowed as long as there has been no request for that material by another patron. Materials that are not overdue can be renewed by phone, SMS text, in-person, email, or via the catalog system. If max renewals are reached, the patron must present the item to a Library Staff member in order to check it in and then re-check it out to them.

Returning Library Items

Returns can be done either by dropping off the materials with Library Staff members at the Circulation Desk or through the Book Drop Box located right outside of the Library entrance. Items must be returned on or before the due date.

Overdue Library Items

Certain materials returned late will be given a fine of $0.50 per day per item that is overdue (unless stated otherwise). The maximum late fee amount is $10 per item. Most materials will be given a chance to return within 30 days. If items are over 30 days late, then a $10 late fee is billed to the Student. If the item is still not returned in 60 days, then the replacement cost will be billed to the Student and must be paid upon graduation. 

Patrons can pay online at the Cashier’s Office (Building 2, 4th Floor) or through the Library’s digital catalog site The receipt should be brought back to Library Staff, either by email, SMS text, or in person, to clear the student’s fine amount. 


To further read about the Policies regarding Circulation, please click on the button below. 


To further read about the Policies regarding Circulation, please click on the button below.