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Renew/Request: Borrowing

This guide explains how to renew and request items

Borrowing Rules

  • Show an active LAFS ID card
  • Assume full responsibility for all items borrowed on your card
  • Do not transfer or lend borrowed items on your card to others
  • Handle library books and materials with care and respoect
  • Abide by the copyright law and policies posted on the Library webpage


  • Return all borrowed items to the circulation desk staff
  • Items must be returned on or before the due date (before library closing hour) 
  • If you believe you returned an item that is still on your account, let the library know


  • Any item can be recalled by another user. Recalled library materials are due on the original due date. The items can no longer be renewed online or in person. 

Regular Loan Periods

Format Loan Period No. of Renewals Overdue Charge
Book 14 Days 3 $0.50 /day
DVD/VHS 3 Days 3 $0.50 /day
CD 3 Days $0.50 /day
Games 7 Days 2 $0.50 /day
Course Reserves Close of Library 0 Replacement Cost
Magazine 7 Days 2 $0.50 /day
Accessories Close of Library 0 Replacement Cost
Reference Close of Library 0 Replacement Cost

Rates for Processing Fee

Format Barcode Due Date Sticker Case
Book $1.00 $3.00 N/A
DVD/VHS $1.00 $3.00 $1.00
CD $1.00 $3.00 $1.00
Games $1.00 $3.00 $1.00
Magazine $1.00 $3.00 N/A
Accessories $1.00 N/A N/A
Reference $1.00 $3.00 N/A

Patron Confidentiality

Library records pertaining to a patron’s use of the library and its resources are confidential. The library staff will not reveal the names of individual borrowers or their borrowing history unless required by law.