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Course Reserves FAQs: Course Reserves

Search Library Catalog for Course Reserves

Search the Catalog for Course Reserves (select or search for the Course) : 

What is a Course Reserve?

Course reserves are materials that instructors make available to their students (for a specific class) in the library.  Course Reserves can be any of the following:

  • Books
  • Manuals
  • Handbooks
  • Textbooks
  • DVDs or Blu-rays
  • Personal materials owned by instructor

How do I know if items is on reserve for my class?

Check to see if your instructor has place any materials on reserve by searching the Library Catalog. 

Enter a course number (ex: ECON 110) or your instructor's last name. 

How do I check out Course Reserves?

Using the Library Catalog, you can find the call number and the location of the item(s) you want to check out. Bring the call number for the item to the Circulation Desk and the desk staff will retreive the item for you. You will need your LAFS ID to check out the item. 

How long can I keep a reserve item?

The most common loan period for Course Reserves is 3 days. But some reserve items may also be checked out for 12-hours or 24-hours depending on the instructor's request (i.e. Headphones, MIDI Keyboard). 

How many reserve items can I check out at one time?

You can check up to 1-course reserve book and 2-course reserve films. No more than 5 items in total. 

Can I take reserve items out of the library?

Yes! Depending on which item for a particular course, you can check it out for up to 3 days. There are some items that can only be reserved for a few hours at a time and need to be returned by the end of the night (before the library closes). 

What if the item I need is checked out?

You may request the item(s) to be booked for a later time. Bookings can be placed in-person or by phone/email and the Library Staff will contact you once it is ready for pick-up. You will have 24 hours to pick up your booked item(s) before it will be canceled and made available for another patron. 


Can I renew reserve items? How?

Reserve materials can be renewed up to 2 times. Items will be renewed as long as the items are not booked for another patron.

Are there overdue fees for reserves?

Yes. Course Reserve items can accrue overdue fees on a daily basis. Most fees are .50 cents for every day that the item has not been returned. Other materials can accrue fees that are $1 or $2 per late day (items such as Headphones and MIDI Keyboards).